Sunday, May 27, 2018

advance chapters of English to speak

मैं जल्दी ही एक actor  बनाने वाला हूँ
i am soon to be an actor
वह बहुत मेरी दोस्त बनाने वाली है
she is soon to be my friend
वह जल्द ही एक teacher  बनाने वाला है
he is soon to be a teacher

daily uses sentences

  कम्बल ओढ़ लो 
swaddle the blanket
चाय गर्म कर दो 
heat up the tea
मैं इस काम को पूरी शिद्दत से करुँगा  
i will do this work with might and main
यह उसकी ज़िद थी 
this was his stubborness

Sunday, May 20, 2018

word meaning

Vocabulary plays an essential role in creating understanding of language through what a student hears and reads in school. Hence, vocabulary becomes all the more important than grammar, as it is this vocabulary that helps the student to communicate

Friday, May 18, 2018

Different uses of do ,does

use of do, does
जब भी हम अपनी common habits की बात करते है वहा पर हम do ,does  का use करते है मतलब जो काम हम daily life में करते रहते है  वहाँ पर हम do ,does  का use  करते है

अगर subject i,we ,you ,they or any plural no. है तो हम affirmative sentence के लिए    इस तरह से sentence बनाते है। ये जो structure है सिर्फ इन subject के लिए ही प्रयोग  किया जाता है

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Speaking with a kiwi

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 thanks for watching the video. 
This is my only effort to make you speak english. I will keep on making these types of videos to make you speak better. After watcing these types of vIdeos you will find yourself that you can also speak english and it will also increase your confidence. 

correct use of could

first use of could 

Use COULD To Make Polite request

हम may की जगह पर could का इस्तेमाल कर सकते है. पर जब may की जगह could का इस्तेमाल करते है तो इसका मतलब हम सामने वाले को और ज्यादा respect दे रहे है। here are the sentences for you

  • Could you please open the window? 
  • कृप्या करके आप खिड़की खोल दोगे ?
  • Could you turn the music down? 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

word meaning

pickle       आचार 
excuse      बहाना 
shirk        काम से जी चुराना 
shirker     कामचोर 
flatter      चापलूसी 
wind up   किसी की तारीफ़ करना 
mend up सुधारना 

Friday, May 11, 2018

Conversation practice with students

as we know that conversation  is the most   important part to speak english. without conversation we cannot become able to speak english. i have seen that mostly students


do you know this in english

advance vocabulary

अकाल scarcity
अग्नि परीक्षा acid test
अतिथि सत्कार hospitality
अत्याचार outrage
अत्याचारी outrageous
अनाथ orphan
अनाथालय orphan house
अश्लील obscene

Talking with south african

  . These videos are made to give knowledge that 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

first use of get
to obtain/to receive something
कल मुझे एक पत्र मिला 
i received a letter yesterday
i got a letter yesterday.
उससे इनाम मिला 
he got a prize

Talk with foreigner

Who has some knowledge of english  And they can speak little bit.

different uses of would

first use of would
would as past of will

he said that he would go to school
उसने कहा कि वह स्कूल जाएगा 
ram said that he would not eat burger
राम ने कहा कि वह बर्गर नहीं खायेगा 

second use of would
repitition in past

when i was a kid, i would go to school. i would play with aman. he would always give me ball . we would bother students.
जब मैं छोटा था , मैं स्कूल जाता  था।  मैं अमन के साथ खेलता था. वह  हमेशा मुझे बॉल देता था. हम छात्रों को परेशान करते थे . 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

seven uses of should

seven uses of should

first use of should 

तुम्हे वहाँ जाना चाहिए 
you should go there

उसे अंग्रेजी सीखनी चाहिए  
he should learn english

correct pronounciation of alphabet

Today I’m going to go over how to pronounce the letters of the alphabet. You may find if you speak with an accent that native speakers will ask you to spell something if they fee

mostly mispronounce words in english

for speaking any language we should have correct pronunciation . but,mostly when we speak english we do not know that we are speaking the correct pronunciation of many, if we don't speak

with correct pronunciation of words then we will not be in these videos you will get correct pronunciation of many words which you don't know.

The importance of correct pronunciation
Pronunciation is the most important and difficult problem that non-native english speakers have to face when studying english. Improper pronunciation can lead to negative impression, misunderstanding and ineffective communication. This page is designed to indicate some negative impacts of poor pronunciation and to provide you with some tips for the improvement.
Negative impression
When you talk to people in the real life, your pronunciation is the first thing they notice during a conversation. In everyday communication, you usually do not have to use many complicated words, so your limited vocabulary is not a big issue since you can use more simple words to express the word that you do not know. In fact, they will notice right away if your pronunciation is good or bad only the first few simple words. If you have a poor pronunciation with very strong foreign accent, they will think of you as a bad english speaker and your good vocabulary and grammar cannot help you. 

 when we don't know what is the correct pronunciation of these words. And unknowngly we are speaking many words wrong. So we should check that where we commit mistake .and if we speak english with correct pronunciation, we will be very impressive. So plz watch these videos to speak english with correct pronunciation. Definitely you will speak many words correctly after watching these videos. So watch and enjoy the videos.

   .  Hope you must have learnt the correct pronounciation of many words which we use In our daily life. if you like the video plz comment on this post.  Thank u for watching. 

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if you like this post please comment on this post


i have provided some  videos for my audience to increase their will help to speak better.the first video is of  the famous politician shashi tharoor .it is his tweet. and in his tweet he has used some advanced  vocabulary to i provided this video to increase your knowledge about some advanced english here you go the first video.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Inspiring thoughts

“The student who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.”
Chinese Proverb

= “ऐसा छात्र जो प्रश्न पूछता है, वह पांच मिनट के लिए मूर्ख रहता है, लेकिन जो पूछता ही नहीं है वह जिंदगी भर मूर्ख ही रहता है।
”चीनी कहावत       

.  “When you lose, do not lose the lesson.”
Dalai Lama

 = “जब आप कुछ गंवा बैठते हैं, तो उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को न गंवाएं।

”दलाई लामा  .  .  .  . “

Sunday, May 6, 2018

some daily use sentences in english

how to make these idioms and proverbs

with some new sentences    

चल चल बड़े देखे तेरे जैसे
to hell with you,i have seen so many kinds of you

चल चल ये मुझे आता है
to hell with you,i already know this

चल चल अपना काम कर
to hell with you,mind your own business

Thursday, May 3, 2018

some basic English chapters

here are some chapters of english which will increase your speaking skill.we speak these types of sentences in hindi but now i am providing these chapters in english to speak better english. and after learning these chapters you can speak better english. in future these chapters will help you to speak better .so, here you go.

things are getting     .....का प्रयोग करना सीखे 
हालात  खराब हो रही है 
things are getting worse
हालात अच्छी हो रही है



Vocabulary to improve your english
 Here are some vocabulary to improve your english. So let's learn these word meanings.        Note : Meaning of abbreviations used
sb -> somebody (कोई आदमी)
sth -> something (कोई वस्तु)
Noun -> संज्ञा
Pronoun -> सर्वनाम
1. Think twice, Give it a second thought अच्छी तरह सोचना
2. Call sb Up/Ring sb Up – if sb is pronoun किसी को फ़ोन करना